Tuesday, September 9, 2008

WANTED: Pair of Pants

When I lived in California, the temperature always coincided with the climate: meaning 90 degrees = sunny, 50 degrees = cloudy. So when I look at my weather report this morning and it says "high of 86 degrees," my logical response is, "oh yes... sunny, summery weather." So what do I do? I wear a sunny, summery skirt. During the day, a work friend of mine invites me to attend a Red Sox game with her that evening, so I resolve to go home during my lunch to change into some pants and a jacket, just in case it gets cold. But at 1pm, when I try to exit my office I meet with a torrential down pour. I cannot imagine anyone playing anything in such weather, so I opt out of going home and instead eat lunch and then waste a colossal amount of time waiting in line at the bank. But, unfortunately, my California imagination doesn't fly in New England. Which means the game is going on as planned. Which means here I am, with a summery black and white skirt, a short sleeved black blouse, and a bad ass ticket to a Red Sox game on a VERY rainy evening. What's a girl to do?

I wonder occassionally at my own view of preparedness: if it is really ever possible to be ready for the best and worst experiences of one's life. And it is all well and good to say, "Carpe Diem," or "Tomorrow will take care of itself," or "His eye is on the Sparrow," but this is not the point. The point is that I wish I wore pants today; I wish I looked at the hour by hour weather instead of just the highs and lows; I wish I had really thought about what I wanted in a career before I took this job; I wish that love was something you could find if you looked hard enough; and more than anything in the world, I wish that people wouldn't die.

So what will I do? I will take a breath, filling my lungs with all those wishes, and I will take my bad ass Red Sox ticket and my summery skirt to Fenway Park, where I will buy myself a $50 Red Sox Sweatshirt, yell "YOOOOOOOOOOOUK!" at the top of my lungs, a $9 guiness in one hand, and a bag of 2,000 calorie kettlecorn in the other, and sing my heart out to "Sweet Caroline," even if it was inspired by a 9 year old girl.

1 comment:

$$ said...

DEB. This is genius!!! You know, I once heard the expression, "There's no such thing as bad weather, there's only wearing the wrong outfit." Whoever said that clearly never lived in Boston. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. I think you're gonna be a star!